Mostly Linux & Python syntax notes and hyperlinks.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Pseudocode for Vintage Shell Crochet Hat

Link to original pattern:

This pattern begins with a repeating sub-pattern that takes up 4 stitches of the previous row.
Hence, you need to start with a row of 4*M stitches
In the original pattern, M=6, so you start with 24 base stitches.

U.S. Terms for crochet stitches
dc = double crochet (UK tc)
sc = single crochet   (UK dc)

# if no input number, assume i=1
# general method
def stitch(stitch_name,int i=1):
    crochet i stitch_name stitches

def chain(int i=1):

def dc(int i=1):
    stitch(double-crochet, i)

def sc(int i=1):
    stitch(single-crochet, i)

def skip(i):
    skip i stitches from previous row before the next stitch in this row

#The definition of "shell" varies with pattern. In this pattern:
def shell(int i, stitch previous_row_stitch):
    dc(i) into the same previous_row_stitch

def flip_work():
    #Rows are worked away from the direction of the dominant hand,
    #If you're right-handed, this means: from right to left

#Turning chains are chains made at the end of the row.
def dc_turning_chain(int i=3):

#initial loop
def initial_loop(int M):
    join the loop together

# single crochet into all the stitches of the previous row
def end_hat(int i)

# Pattern = loop of 5 chain-stitches
#           1 row  of dc(24)        =       24 stitches
#           1 row  of sc + shell(3) = 4*6 = 24 stitches
#           2 rows of sc + shell(5) = 6*6 = 36 stitches
#           3 rows of sc + shell(7) = 8*7 = 56 stitches
# dc_turning_chain(3) between each row
# end with single-crochets

# M=6, N=3
def vintage_hat(int M, int N):
    initial_loop(M)     # chain 5 & join
    dc_turning_chain()  # chain 3 & turn work

    # 24 double-crochets into the loop
    dc(M*4) into the loop, ignoring the chain stitches themselves

    # now you have M*4 stitches to start the pattern

    # The repeating pattern is as follows:
    # skip 1, sc, skip 1, shell

    # First row:
    for R = 1 to M: #repeat until end of row
        shell(3) # = 2*1+1 = 3 dc into stitch below

    # Now you should still have 24 stitches in the circle
    for S = 2 to N:
        for row=1 to S:
            repeat until end of row:
                sc()   into center of previous shell
                shell(2*S+1) into previous row's sc  
            end of row: dc_turning_chain(3)
   shell_size=2*N+1  #=2*3+1=7
   pattern_size=shell_size+1 #=8
   number_of_stitches=pattern_size * M  #=8*6

Thursday, March 24, 2016

python: a little bit about dunder functions

What I learned from looking at Fluent Python yesterday:
  • Functions defined with surrounding double-underlines (“dunder”) are called differently
    •  e.g. len(my_object) instead of my_object.len()
  • In general, we shouldn’t create new dunder  functions
    • One reason is that newer versions of Python might use the same name
  • __repre__ is called by __str__ if no __str__ defined, so it’s more important to define __repre__()  
  • If no __bool__ defined, then python uses __len__() and returns False if 0, True otherwise

Friday, March 4, 2016

Advice on Managing SW Enhancement Requests - Links

Once I have seen the request I generally do one of 4 things with it almost immediately.
1. If I know that this is a duplicate of another request I close the new one and mark it as a duplicate of the original.
2. If I see no value to the request, or I see value but the opportunity cost is too high, then I will just close it.
3. If I see value to the request, and it fits in with much of the feedback received on all of the other channels then I will assign it to be considered for a release
4. Finally I can choose to do nothing with it right now. This final one allows me to bear it in mind and use it for consideration on future requests.

  1. You need to know what the goals or key business drivers are for your product so you can create a scorecard that includes these key metrics.;
  2. If it is not clear who owns prioritization, your scoring will not be trusted. It's essential to know who is in charge;
  3. If there is not enough detail per feature, then the functionality of each feature will be unclear.
  1.  Ideas that don’t fit with the long term vision for the product at all.  These receive a polite rejection.
  2. Many, many good ideas that you might do someday.  These are usually acknowledged but sit in the “someday” bucket.
  3. A few ideas which map to the area of the product that needs work next, or the next most important problem to solve.
Once prioritized, you’ll want to communicate your plans in a roadmap that doesn’t tie you to specific dates.
The backlog should not be a dumping ground for all ideas that may get worked on eventually, or may not. It will become impossible to manage and just gives the requestor a false sense of security by having it added. If you don't see yourself working on a backlog item in the next ~4 months, I recommend just telling the person no, point blank, or maintaining a separate list or roadmap outside of the backlog for these items.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

python: initialize a dictionary with input arguments key value key value etc

If you invoke scriptname with list of key names followed by their values.
         python A 1 C 3 B 2

Then you could parse it like this:


for i in range(1,len(argv),2):

Toy code to test:

>>> params=['scriptname','A',1,'C',3,'B',2]
>>> dd={}
>>> for i in range(1,len(params),2):
...     dd[params[i]]=params[i+1]
>>> dd
{'A': 1, 'C': 3, 'B': 2}

python: supply default values for incomplete dictionary

>>> default_dd={'A':1,'B':2,'C':3,'D':4,'E':5}
>>> dd={'B':2000,'D':4000}
>>> for key in default_dd.keys():
...     if not key in dd.keys():
...         dd[key]=default_dd[key]
>>> dd
{'A': 1, 'C': 3, 'B': 2000, 'E': 5, 'D': 4000}

python: initialize a dictionary with uncertain number of input values

If you know the order of the expected input parameters, but you don't know how many will be supplied:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    #initialize list of expected parameters, in order
    if len(sys.argv) > 1: 
        #loop through the actual input parameters
        for i in range(1, len(sys.argv)):

See, you automatically stop at the end of the number of input parameters.
Here's some toy code to test the logic:

 >>> std_parms=['scriptname','A','B','C','D']
 >>> input_parms=['scriptname','A_Value','B_Value']
 >>> dd={}
 >>> for i in range(1,len(input_parms)):
 ...     dd[std_parms[i]]=input_parms[i]
 >>> dd
 {'A': 'A_Value', 'B': 'B_Value'} 

After that, you may want to fill in the default values for the parameters not supplied.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Quotes and Notes from 'Becoming a Better Programmer' - Chapters 9-10

From O'Reilly e-book:
Becoming a Better Programmer by Pete Goodliffe

Chapter 9 - Expect the Unexpected

Any function you call may not work as you expect.
• If you are lucky, it will return an error code to signal this.
  •  understand basic concurrency principles
    • Understand mechanisms to reliably and quickly pass messages between thread contexts without introducing race conditions or blocking the threads unnecessarily
  •  Shutdown:
    • how to bring the code to a graceful halt without leaking resources, locking up, or crashing
    • especially hard in a multithreaded system
      • don't leave one object attempting to use or return to another that has been deleted

Chapter 10 - Bug Hunting

  • Lay Traps: Add assertions or tests to verify the system invariants—the facts that must hold for the state to be correct. (p.78)
  • Binary Chop: (p.78)
    • Work out the start of a chain of events.
    • Work out the end
    • Check middle point
      • if good, then start to middle is good, so check midpoint of here to end
      • if bad, then check midpoint of start to this point
  • Software Archaeology
    • Look thru your version control to find the last time this bug didn't exist
    • Binary chop through time to find where bug was introduced
  • Use a code coverage tool to inspect how much of your code is actually covered by tests. (p.79)
  • Once you find the bug:
    • Write a simple test that demonstrates the bug.
      • Add it to the test suite before you fix the code.
        • Use the test to:
        • prove bug is fixed
        • test to prevent bug from reoccurring
    •  Analyze/look for related bugs
      • Are there more bugs in the section where you found this one?
      • Was bug in a repeated code pattern that's used elsewhere?
    • Note in which parts of the code you're finding more bugs.
      • Part of code that's used most often?
      • Weakness in that particular section of the software? 
  • Non-Reproducible Bugs
  • Keep records that may eventually help you come up with theories you can test to possibly find the cause.
  • Add more assertions and log statements -- preferably into your beta or release builds.
  • Automate a test farm to run long-running soak tests.
  • Common situations leading to hard-to-reproduce bugs:
  • Threads
  • "Heisenbugs" - disappear when you add log statements
  • Network interacation
  • Speed to access database, disk, other storage can vary
  • Memory corruption
  • Global variables

Friday, January 15, 2016

Quotes and Notes from 'Becoming a Better Programmer' - Chapters 2-8

From O'Reilly e-book:
Becoming a Better Programmer by Pete Goodliffe

Chapter 2

  • KEY ➤ Remember who you’re writing code for: other people. (p.9)
  • page 10:
Some programmers like to present banner comments in pretty ASCII-art boxes:
* This is a pretty comment. *
* Note that there are asterisks on the *
* righthand side of the box. Wow; it looks neat. *
* Hope I never have to fix this tiypo. *
...Frankly, this is a sadistic presentation style.

  • Also on p.10, he says to write code as you would prose. "Functions are akin to chapters."
    • Within the chapters, related lines of code are equivalent to paragraphs.
    • Insert blank lines only between these conceptual paragraphs, not within them
    • Don't have too many of these "paragraphs" per function
  • If you clean up code, make that a separate commit from any changes to the code's behavior.
    KEY ➤ Never alter presentation and behaviour at the same time. Make
    them separate version-controlled changes.

Chapter 3

  • (p.18) There are many reasons why unnecessary code is the root of all evil...
    • Writing a fresh line of code is the birth of a little life form.
    • ...
    • Code harbours bugs. The more code you have, the more places there are for bugs
      to hide.
  • Refactoring (p.20) 
    • A refactor is only a refactor if it is a transformation of the source code, preserving behaviour.
  •  the DRY principle: Don’t Repeat Yourself!
    • ...factoring similar code into a shared function introduces tight coupling...
      They both now rely on a shared interface;...
      —so DRY your code responsibly!
  • Dead code is code that is never run, that can never be reached...
    • Tell your code to get a life, or get lost. (p.23)
  • The code itself says what and how. A comment should explain why..(p.24)
  • Do not remove code by commenting it out. (p.24)
    • Remove code completely. 
    • You can always get it back afterwards from your source control
Chapter 4
  • YAGNI = You Aren’t Gonna Need It: (p.29)
    • Don't write..code you think is going to be needed in future versions. 
    • Don’t write it now if you don’t need it now. 
  • Much "debug" code is necrotic...unsightly scaffolding that hides the beautiful architecture underneath. (p.31)
    • It is harder to refactor, simplify, or optimise your program when it is bogged down
      by zombie code.
  • Don’t add “minor”features that you think are interesting, but no one has asked for. They’ll be easy enough to add later, if they are required. Even if it seems like a good idea. Don’t do it. (p.33)  That one is hard to resist. :^)
Chapter 6
  • ...try adding a single, one-line, failing test. Does the test suite immediately fail? This smoke test proves that the tests are not actively being ignored. (p.50)

Chapter 7

  • I know I shouldn’t moan, but sometimes I swear that programmers shouldn’t be allowed
    to type the word thread without first obtaining a license to wield such a dangerous
    . (p.56)
  • ...if it has been working adequately for years without tinkering, it is probably inappropriate to “tidy it up” now, especially if you’re unlikely to need to make many more changes in the future. (p.58) 
  • KEY ➤ Make code changes slowly, and carefully. Make one change at a time. (p.58)
  • ...the unreadable mess of special cases might be like that for a reason. Each bodge and code hack encodes an important piece of functionality that has been uncovered through bitter
    experience. Ignore these subtle behaviours at your peril.
  • The effective programmer does not only deal well with the bad code, but also with the people that wrote it. (p.60)
  • “refactored the code to look neater.” -> “refactored code back to working.” (p.60)

Chapter 8: 

  • Don't ignore:
    • Return codes -  e.g. printf
    • Side effects - e.g. errno - which is a mess when code is threaded
    • Exceptions
    // something...
catch (...) {} // ignore errors

The saving grace of this awful construct is that it highlights the fact you’re doing
something morally dubious. (p.64)
  • Understand your language’s idioms and requirements for effective exception use. (p.65)

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