This pattern begins with a repeating sub-pattern that takes up 4 stitches of the previous row.
Hence, you need to start with a row of 4*M stitches
In the original pattern, M=6, so you start with 24 base stitches.
U.S. Terms for crochet stitches
dc = double crochet (UK tc)
sc = single crochet (UK dc)
# if no input number, assume i=1
# general method
def stitch(stitch_name,int i=1):
crochet i stitch_name stitches
def chain(int i=1):
def dc(int i=1):
stitch(double-crochet, i)
def sc(int i=1):
stitch(single-crochet, i)
def skip(i):
skip i stitches from previous row before the next stitch in this row
#The definition of "shell" varies with pattern. In this pattern:
def shell(int i, stitch previous_row_stitch):
dc(i) into the same previous_row_stitch
def flip_work():
#Rows are worked away from the direction of the dominant hand,
#If you're right-handed, this means: from right to left
#Turning chains are chains made at the end of the row.
def dc_turning_chain(int i=3):
#initial loop
def initial_loop(int M):
join the loop together
# single crochet into all the stitches of the previous row
def end_hat(int i)
# Pattern = loop of 5 chain-stitches
# 1 row of dc(24) = 24 stitches
# 1 row of sc + shell(3) = 4*6 = 24 stitches
# 2 rows of sc + shell(5) = 6*6 = 36 stitches
# 3 rows of sc + shell(7) = 8*7 = 56 stitches
# dc_turning_chain(3) between each row
# end with single-crochets
# M=6, N=3
def vintage_hat(int M, int N):
initial_loop(M) # chain 5 & join
dc_turning_chain() # chain 3 & turn work
# 24 double-crochets into the loop
dc(M*4) into the loop, ignoring the chain stitches themselves
# now you have M*4 stitches to start the pattern
# The repeating pattern is as follows:
# skip 1, sc, skip 1, shell
# First row:
for R = 1 to M: #repeat until end of row
shell(3) # = 2*1+1 = 3 dc into stitch below
# Now you should still have 24 stitches in the circle
for S = 2 to N:
for row=1 to S:
repeat until end of row:
sc() into center of previous shell
shell(2*S+1) into previous row's sc
end of row: dc_turning_chain(3)
shell_size=2*N+1 #=2*3+1=7
pattern_size=shell_size+1 #=8
number_of_stitches=pattern_size * M #=8*6